Feet of Clay

Nothing is sacred

All golden idols have feet of clay

It’s funny how we look up to a few people and think that they are the epitome of perfection. We create this false sense of idolatry that blinds us to the obvious truth that they, like us, are human. Nothing more, nothing less. When what we perceive as their flaws come before us, that false sense of reverence is shattered, and we begin to despise them. Is it their fault for being human or is it our fault for expecting too much? Is placing a person on a pedestal and worshipping them like a demigod really important? Is it required? Does it serve a purpose? There’s no harm in admiration but don’t let it blind you to who they are as a person. Respect their art, admire what they do but don’t think that they are beyond the laws that govern the human mind. Don’t think that they are infallible and will not succumb to the human conditions and the desires that drive us all. Remember that a place of worship is just a building that the worshippers give meaning to. It can be bought, sold or broken. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is safe from destruction. If you continue to blindly worship your film stars, actors, artists, performers, politicians, godmen, teachers, parents, lovers or any one who claims authority, you will learn the hard way that all golden idols have feet of clay.