
I listened to the winds roar,
yet no words made it out of me.
Concerned about judging eyes,
and what their thoughts would be.

I succumbed to my fear,
letting it eat every tiny inch.
The voice within me grew impatient,
my nerves began to flinch.

Why was I afraid?
Is judgment a thing to fear?
Are new faces really scary?
Why is my voice so unclear?

I wished to break free,
unable to find the right words to say.
The anxiety got to me,
my confidence wilted away.

Why can’t I face this crowd?
Is my self-esteem so weak?
If I am better than this,
then why can’t I speak?

Why should my words be driven,
by what others think of me?
Why should my actions be limited,
instead of being everything I could be?

Does their perception of me matter?
Does it really make a difference?
Why should I cower from them?
Why should I mask my brilliance?

Judgment will always be there,
there is no escaping it.
Shining despite judging eyes,
is a truth we must admit.

I feared judgment.
I cared about what people would think.
When I realized this,
all my worries would sink.

My voice made it out.
I roared back at the wind.
Shinning from within,
as my fear slowly thinned.